Being a Booster volunteer is FUN and an absolute necessity to support a GRAMMY award winning program. It’s also a great opportunity to be involved in your child’s life at Costa! 

Goal: 1-2 parents per family volunteer | 40+ hours/family

Benefits: With over 45 events annually, it takes a village (10-30+ volunteers) to support the Band & Colorguard program each year.  In high school there are very rare occasions when you will have opportunities to interact with the students.  Band & Colorguard provides parents with an opportunity to be involved in their student’s high school experience in a meaningful way.  Whether your student is in one concert ensemble or multiple ensembles, we have lots of ways that you can help. 

Opportunities: Help out at concerts, festivals, end of the year banquet, social events, fundraising, home games (traffic control, uniforms, pit crew, candy sales…), field show tournaments (pit crew, chaperoning, uniforms, meals/snacks), competitions & performances. 

How to Volunteer

We use SignUp Genius to make it easy for each family to find the volunteer role that works best for them. Below please find links to each SignUp Genius by category. Scroll down to read more about each type of volunteer role. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Volunteer Coordinator at

PLEASE NOTE MBUSD POLICY: MBUSD is required to register all volunteers at any of our campuses through this portal. You will be required to provide proof of a current TB test (just send the form to your doctor to fill out). If you have not been live scanned they may also need to set that up for you. The district does require all parent volunteers at any MBUSD campus to register. And if you did not know, BAND & GUARD needs lots of volunteers – so please register today if you have not done so yet! Register here:

Sign Up Genius Links

Please click the button below for the volunteer role you’d like to sign up for. If the button you select does not link to a SignUp, please check back soon. All SignUp forms will be posted as soon as they are finalized.

Concerts – All Band Ensembles

Marching Band & Colorguard – In Season

Marching Band & Colorguard – Pre Season

Marching Band & Colorguard – Football Games

Marching Band & Colorguard – Field Shows and Parades

All Bands & Colorguard – General

Marching Band & Colorguard

​Marching Band requires a LOT of parent support — an average of 40 hours per marching band family is needed to operate just the marching portion of the band.  Please consider offering your time to the below opportunities:

Pit Crew

  • Load and unload equipment at MCHS and move equipment to/from the various sites at the event
  • All equipment is on wheels, so no heavy loading is required
  • 1-10 hours/tournament


  • Supervise students on the buses and at field tournaments
  • 9-10 hours/tournament

Uniform Crew

  • Provide support when students change into and out of full uniform, prior to taking the field, in the stands

(free entrance to Friday night games for the volunteers!)


  • Two chaperones needed for each home game to arrive about 15 minutes before step-off (around 6:15pm) and stay with the students until they march back to the band hall after the game ends (around 10pm).

Candy Sales

  • Help set up, sell candies/water, and clean-up for either the first half or second half of the game
  • 2-hour shifts for either the first half or second half of the game

Bleacher Prep

  • Set out the bleacher covers for the band before game; wipe off and put away the bleacher covers after game
  • 1-hour shift either before or after the game

Traffic Crew

  • Provide traffic control as the band walks up and down Peck Avenue to/from the football stadium
  • 1-hour before and after the game

Pit Crew

  • Help the front-line ensemble students push their equipment on/off the field
  • 1-hour before and after the game

Uniform Crew

  • Provide support when students change into and out of full uniform, prior to taking the field, in the stands, etc. for Home Games
  • 2-hour shifts before and after the game


  • Three to six chaperones needed for the away game to ride the buses with the band and oversee them during the game or parade. 
  • For away games, bus usually loads approximately 5 pm and returns around 10-11 pm.

Chaperones (aka Band-Aides)

  • Chaperones are always needed at the two Saturday Rehearsathons that are held throughout the season.
  • 2- to 3-hour shifts

Concert Ensembles, Festivals & Trips

Concert Ensemble events needs volunteers for our various concerts, festivals, trips and banquet. Supports 6 concerts that occur throughout the year and the band banquet in June.


  • Ride bus with students to and from festivals
  • Assist in loading and unloading
  • Track and stay with students at all times


  • Ticket Sales, CDs, Mechanical Licensing, Decorations, and Refreshments
  • Requires 2-4 hours
  • Graphic Artist/Desktop Publisher that update artwork for the concerts and banquet 

Banquet – Coordinates the annual event in June

  • Plan, organize, and run the year-end band banquet including, Invitations/RSVP, setup/decorations, senior survey, and Student Recognition and awards, Program/Brochure 

Fundraising – Propose, plan, and coordinate fundraising activities.

  • Establish relationships with local vendors to solicit cash donations and donated items for our band program
  • Grant Writer identifies and pursues instrument and program grants

Publicity – Provides Concert and Event information to the South Bay, MBUSD, MCHS and MC Bands community.

  • Concert Poster Distributors
  • Photographers for concert and marching band events
  • Publicists establish relationships with local vendors and news organizations to publicize our GRAMMY® Award winning Music Program

Concert Ensembles 

  • Percussion Studio & Festival organizing events
  • Jazz Band 1 & 2 events and festival organization, chaperoning and communication
  • Wind Ensemble Trip planning for transportation, lodging, activity planning, meals, etc.
  • Social Activities
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