Boosters offer support and resources to the Band program and faculty. By having a student in the Bands or Guard, you are automatically a member of the Booster organization. Find out more about what Boosters do, when we meet, and how to contact us below.

Non Profit 501(c)3; MBX TAX ID: #02-0603467

Mira Costa Band Boosters – MC Bands
We are parents, alumni and community members who provide monetary and volunteer support to our Mira Costa Bands.  By having a student in the program, you are automatically a member.

We support quality instruction and curricular and extracurricular experiences for MCHS students and promote music education and appreciation throughout the community.  

Monthly Meetings – All Parents Are Welcome!
Meeting information will be circulated in the eblast the week before the scheduled meeting, and is also included on the General Band Program calendar, available on the “Calendar” tab above. 

Meeting Purpose:

  1. PROGRAM UPDATES: Mr. Carlson presents program updates on all the ensembles
  2. FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY: MCHS Band Booster Treasurer, presents our financial report
  3. BOOSTERS PROGRAMS: VPs of Marching Band, Colorguard/Winterguard, Concerts, Concert Ensembles, Publicity, Fundraising, Trips & Festivals, and Percussion share updates and request support for upcoming events
  4. BOOSTERS GOALS & COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Discuss MCHS, MBX, MBUSD, PTSA, City of MB opportunities and issues


  • Primary communication is via email and is posted on our website and facebook page – NOTE: Make sure to check your spam folders in case our weekly emails are misdirected there.
  • Most up-to-date calendar is on our website
  • Event photos are posted on Flickr and Instagram


President – Matt Luce 

Co-VP Bands Operations – Carolyn Mukai & Jiyeon Im

VP Colorguard/President Winterguard – Andrea Barker

Co-VP Indoor Drumline – Jen Camacho & Gillian Cato

Co-VP Concerts & Banquets – Miti Patel & Chiaki Klapper

VP of Corporate Sponsorships & Fundraising – Amy Limus 

Treasurer/Financial Team – Susan Urquhart/Tilde Valentin/Doug Gardner

Secretary – Liz Tyndorf

Contact Info:

Tax Deductible Donation: MBX is recognized by the IRS as a Section 501(c)3 organization and as such donations received are deductible to extent allowed by law. MBX TAX ID: #02-0603467